The Kaslo RCMP says the three heli-skiers were part of a group that was swept away into the tree line on Monday.
A landslide is blocking all lanes heading west on State Route 20 in Newhalem, according to the Washington State Department of ...
Navi Mumbai: Navi Mumbai environmentalists have launched a campaign ahead of the International Day of Forests, focusing on ...
It turns out, there's a ranking of the nation's spots that are most vulnerable to landslides. What's more, Oregon locales, ...
Two brothers died when a tree fell on their home, North Carolina firefighters said. Getty Images/iStockphoto An uprooted tree fell onto a North Carolina home, killing 11- and 13-year-old brothers ...
Panaji: The high court of Bombay at Goa on Wednesday directed an immediate halt to all deforestation, until further orders, ...