Egypt’s Ministry of Industry and Transport has announced the offering of 13.3 million square meters of serviced industrial land through the Egypt Industrial Digital Platform. A total of 2,172 plots, ...
The event was attended by Chadian Prime Minister Allamaye Halina and representatives from international financial institutions. During his speech, Al-Wazir reaffirmed Egypt’s strong commitment to the ...
“Egypt maintains its position rejecting any compromise of these rights, including the right to self-determination, remaining ...
Daily life in Ancient Egypt Explore ancient Egyptian life including: jobs, homes and food. How did ancient Egyptians farm their land? Find out how ancient Egyptians grew food and farmed land.
Egypt's Sinai locals will be granted the right to own agricultural land in the peninsula according to minister of agriculture, Ayman Farid Abu-Hadid. The ministry has offered 40000 feddan (16.800 ...
Claudio Descalzi, CEO of the Italian energy company Eni, announced that the drilling rig for the Zohr gas field is expected to arrive in Egypt by 28 or 29 January to resume operations. Descalzi ...