A labourer threw a wheelie bin at his ex-partner during a street row with her and her mother, a court has heard.
Janapati Venkateswarlu, a daily wage labourer from Chundrugonda, was left stunned after receiving a demand notice from the ...
The labourer, Janapati Venkateswarlu, a couple of days ago received DRC-7 notice issued on March 4 sent to his residential ...
The deceased has been identified as Renu Kumari, 26, who lived with her husband Tejpal, a native of Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh ...
A 25-year-old labourer of Normandia, Brazil was stabbed to death allegedly by his stepfather during an argument on Monday at Karasabai Village, South Pakaraimas, Region 9. A 45-year-old suspect is ...
Hyderabad: A 30-year-old man died in a hit and run case in Narsingi late Sunday and the police remain clueless about the ...
Serving the nation since 1947 by providing an accurate, objective, uninterrupted flow of news to the people, the national ...
Nazma Akter, founder and executive director of Awaj Foundation, has been a relentless advocate for workers' rights in ...
The blast took place around 11 am at the Aamdai Ghati iron ore mine, located under Chhote Dongar police station limits ...
New Delhi, For 42-year-old Kanta Prasad, who was one of the three persons who was charred to death in a fire early Tuesday, every drop of sweat shed as a labourer was a step closer to his daughter's ...