Kobo has increased the price of its color and black-and-white e-readers in both the US and Canada.
Kobo has raised the prices of some of its e-reader devices globally. The Kobo Clara BW, the Kobo Clara Colour, and the Kobo ...
This e-reader is small, mighty, and beautiful to look at Until I find another color e-ink reading device that I can drop in ...
Kobo offers three subscription options starting at Rs 199 for downloading audiobooks and ebooks from the Kobo store ...
Learn more Amazon and Kobo (owned by Rakuten) are two of the biggest names in the e-reader market with their respective device lines. Amazon offers three unique models of Kindles: Kindle (from $90 ...
Kobo's online store sells e-versions of textbooks and other reading materials that may be required for classes, making this device an ideal all-in-one option. The Kobo Elipsa is sold in a pack ...
Kobo devices offer better integration with library apps, making accessing free books easier. The open ecosystem allows for greater flexibility and customization. Kobo e-readers with physical page ...
If one of your goals for 2025 is to read more, a good e-reader can help you hit that milestone faster and more conveniently.
Even as the Amazon Kindle e-reader remains unavailable in the Indian market, a new e-reader from Kobo launches here. Can it ...
In many ways, Amazon's Kindle devices reign supreme among e-readers due to their affordability and user-friendly design.