Kinds, sorts, types and even varieties can all be used interchangeably, (although varieties may be used more in more scientific sorts of contexts, e.g. varieties of tomato) The first three are ...
The total number of nonhuman primates in research in the United States was 71,921 in 2021 (the most recent year for which figures are available), according to the US Department of Agriculture. This ...
I have spent a good part of my career trying to figure out exactly how many different kinds of primates exist, and trying to see as many of them as possible in their natural habitats. At present ...
Primates are conspicuous inhabitants of many ecological communities in the tropics. What impacts - beneficial or negative - do they have on other species, and vice versa? Given the extreme ...
New kinds of forests appeared, offering novel habitats for what would become tree-dwelling mammals -- primates, which first appeared about 50 million years ago, and eventually, some 45 million ...
One potentially appealing experimental strategy is to investigate the functional effects of human-lineage specific (HLS) sequences in transgenic non-human primates (NHPs). Ideally, the species ...
Bisexual behaviors are very common among primates in the wild, particularly bonobos, according to evolutionary geneticist Dr. Jason Hodgson. REUTERS “I suspect most people would be slightly in ...
Gorillas in captivity in our world today number only in the hundreds. Hence, four of them arriving in Nanjing and destined ...