Ongoing or frequent numbness in the legs can indicate underlying health issues such as diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, multiple sclerosis, peripheral artery disease, sciatica, or stroke.
People who notice strange sensations in their legs when they’re out walking are being warned they could be early symptoms of diabetes. Whether it’s going to Tesco shopping, nipping to pick the ...
If you notice that your legs look unusual, like a swelling that's new - then this could be a sign of bladder cancer. The NHS explains: "Bladder cancer is where a growth of abnormal tissue ...
I had to walk a very long distance to go to school every day and by the time I got to school my legs would be swollen, they would be septic and it was a very bad experience for me." The jiggers ...
Onyango, 32, was the first to get jiggers, and as time went by, his family members, including the new-born, got them as well. His 24-year-old wife is worst affected. Adhiambo’s hands ...