Apparently, they too were engaged in an active social life. JEWISH CATACOMBS IN ROME One of our best sources of information about the Jewish community at Rome comes from their burial places.
Rome and Ostia to this day are dotted with remnants of ancient Jewish history: a menorah on the bas-relief of the ...
So, clearly all of those aren't martyrs. What are they? We have pagan catacombs, Jewish catacombs, and Christian catacombs. But one of the things we do see in the middle of the third century is ...
The custom of burying the deceased in underground hypogea was also practiced by Jewish and pagan communities. It was not until the 4th century CE that the catacombs became almost exclusively ...
Probably there are a number of lost catacombs, too." The oldest tunnels date back to the first century. "The Jewish community in Rome built them as cemeteries. Christian catacombs came a century ...
Cupid appears on Jewish sarcophagi in Rome, on paintings in Jewish catacombs in Rome and, most significantly, above the door of the synagogue at Capernaum in Israel — six of them over the main ...
"But such an ancient mikveh does not seem to have ever been found in the entire diaspora. "At this point Rome has an ...
As a result, anti-Jewish riots erupted and hundreds of Jews were murdered - and in some cases the archa (local record of who owed money to Jews) was destroyed. Following that, in 1275 King Edward ...