Jasmine Isom, a senior art student at Brigham Young University, is combining her passion for art, business and missionary work into one creative endeavor.
Why would we want a higher doctrine of scripture than we have of Jesus?
This free Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus printable is perfect to print out and use during the month of June to celebrate ...
Steen Heidemann’s collection will be installed as a semi-permanent exhibition in the Toledo Cathedral in Spain.
The Rich man and Lazarus, by Eugène Burnand, 1899, Pencil and graphite on paper © Musée Eugène Burnand, Moudon. Source: ...
Like Jonah, we are called to let God work through us. Though Jonah initially resisted his mission, he ultimately embraced his ...
Whether it is performing on stage, drawing or hosting a Christian YouTube channel, Brady Lamp’s faith continues to guide him ...
The Last Supper is one of the most famous events in history, not just in Christianity but in art, literature, and culture.