Lead-212 is a promising radioactive isotope for use in targeted alpha therapy, an alternative modality to beta-particle-based ...
and the sum of the protons and neutrons gives the atomic mass, the number of neutrons defines the isotope of that element. For example, most carbon (≈ 99 %) has 6 protons and 6 neutrons and is written ...
Each year we train visiting students and research scientists in the sample preparation and interpretation of cosmogenic nuclide data. The benefits include development of isotope geochemistry ...
The IAEA offers a variety of training courses in the fundamentals of isotope hydrology and isotopic analyses of stable isotopes, tritium, and noble gases. This course provides an overview of advances ...
This Section implements all activities of the IAEA's Water Resources Programme, which promotes and transfers know-how on the use of isotope hydrology as an effective tool for water resources ...