An Iraqi officer has said he was the source of ... provided several reports to British intelligence on Saddam Hussein's WMD plans from early 2002. He told the paper that these included details ...
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has given the green light for the use of weapons of mass destruction if a war is declared against his country, a high-ranking US defense official said in remarks ...
This approach appears to satisfactorily address primary concerns related to nations acquiring BW technology; however, information from defectors, such as the Iraqi WMD Chief Husayn Kamel ...
Other than warnings addressed to the Iraqi military and reassurances to the American people regarding homeland security, the declaration of war address was only about WMD until the closing ...
Dr. David Kelly became embroiled in the row between the BBC and the government over allegations that a dossier outlining the case for war against Iraq had been "sexed-up" by a government official. Q: ...
Abdallah Makki Muslih al-Rifai, alias ‘Abu Khadijah,’ was known as the “deputy caliph” of the militant group and “one of the most dangerous terrorists in Iraq and the world,” Iraqi ...