Gabarro, John J. "The Development of Trust, Influence and Expectations." In Interpersonal Behavior, edited by Anthony Athos and John J. Gabarro. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1978.
Lee, J.J., H. Hardin, B. Parmar, and F. Gino. "The Interpersonal Costs of Dishonesty: How Dishonest Behavior Reduces Individuals' Ability to Read Others' Emotions ...
Communication, in all its formats, is the interpersonal behavior we engage in most frequently in our daily lives. It is also ...
Presents an analysis of psychological dynamics in interpersonal behavior, emphasizing such topics as interpersonal communication, self-disclosure, personal styles of interaction and techniques of ...
The recent study by this research team pin-points behaviors that provide information about the value that people attribute to ...