Healy, Paul M., Amy P. Hutton, and Krishna G. Palepu. "Stock Performance and Intermediation Changes Surrounding Sustained Increases in Disclosure." Contemporary Accounting Research 16, no. 3 (fall ...
Di Maggio, Marco, Mark Egan, and Francesco Franzoni. "The Value of Intermediation in the Stock Market." Journal of Financial Economics 145, no. 2A (August 2022): 208–233.
Costs of credit intermediation, abundance of credit, and zombie firms Our study explores the notion that the costs associated with credit intermediation play a fundamental role in determining the ...
Bank-like activities that are exempt from banking regulations have often been called shadow banking. A more accurate but less interesting name is non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI). The Bank of ...
During the last years, the relevance of financial intermediation has risen continuously. A couple of components have changed in order to guarantee an optimal supply of financial services. The course ...