Figure 1: α v β 3 as a mediator of antiangiogenic regulators. Figure 2: Trans-dominant inhibition of proangiogenic integrins. In presenting these models for negative regulation by α v integrins ...
The Fagerholm group studies the role of leukocyte integrins in various immune reactions. We are interested in the in vivo roles and regulation of leukocyte beta2-integrins in a healthy and ...
C ells have surface receptors called integrins that bind to repetitive domains present on the extracellular matrix (ECM) surrounding the cells, allowing them to grow and spread. A new study from ...
This is a Phase 1 open label trial of PLN-101095, an oral, small molecule, dual selective inhibitor of αvβ8 and αvβ1 integrins designed to block TGF-β activation in the tumor microenvironment. The ...