During infections, the immune system needs to distinguish foreign antigens that are expressed by invading bacteria and ...
A paralysed man can stand on his own after receiving an injection of neural stem cells to treat his spinal cord injury. The ...
The brain's immune cells removed plaques and helped restore a healthier environment in the brains of immunized patients. For over 30 years, scientists have focused on treating Alzheimer’s disease by ...
Our bodies response to invading pathogens through different mechanisms of the immune system. Innate immunity first detects ...
New research shows how a specially trained population of immune cells keeps the peace by preventing other immune cells from attacking their own. The study provides a better understanding of immune ...
Yale scientists have discovered a promising way to trigger immune responses against certain tumors, using a lupus-related ...
Yale scientists have discovered a promising way to trigger immune responses against certain tumors, using a lupus-related antibody that can slip, undetected, into "cold" tumors and flip on an immune ...
Our blood consists of many cell types that develop through different stages from a precursor type – the blood stem cell. An ...
Scientists have identified a protein sensor in intestinal neurons that responds to pressure, inflammation to stimulate the ...
Halting the relentless march of so-called 'zombie cells' that drive aging and age-related diseases could be a step closer ...
A scientific technique that rapidly increases the body's production of anti-inflammatory cells promoted healing from heart attacks in mice, according ...
Spatial transcriptomic analysis identifies epithelium-macrophage crosstalk in endometriotic lesions - (https://www.cell.com/iscience/fulltext/S2589-0042 (25)00049-5) ...