The scientists here need to make sure nothing happens to any of the cubs - every young Iberian lynx is precious. The adult lynx, and their new cubs, are monitored 24 hours a day. Vicky Ascensio ...
Pictured here are lynx cubs. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any ...
All populations are growing now, with 34 cubs born in the wild! Finally, there really is hope for this remarkable species. Help save the Iberian lynx WWF has been working for the conservation of the ...
the lynx was thrown a lifeline in 2002 when the European Union (EU) stepped in to provide vital funds One of four living species, the Iberian lynx occupies a mosaic of wood and scrubland habitat ...
The Iberian lynx, once the world’s most endangered cat, has rebounded from just a few hundred individuals to a few thousand.
Now, the best trail cameras have done it again, and provided scientists and researchers with essential information they needed in the fight to save the Iberian lynx. An incredibly rare sight ...