This franchise is a must for any retro gamer! Tomb Raider IV, V and VI were all originally released for the PlayStation 1 and PC. The Tomb Raider series is a classic and an absolute must-play for ...
It was credited as being the game that almost killed Tomb Raider, and now, thanks to Aspyr, it’s back to rear its ugly head on the Nintendo Switch in Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered. This second ...
James IV has been acclaimed by historians as the first true Renaissance king of Scotland. Under his rule, James patronised the arts and sciences and Scotland flourished as a result. It was during ...
Superb Hatch iV中的第二代插電式混合動力系統結合了四缸1.5 TSI渦輪增壓汽油引擎,這具引擎可提供110 kW(150 hp)的馬力,並配有電動馬達。它們產生150 kW ...