在宫腔内人工授精(IUI)中,女性常感疼痛和焦虑。研究人员开展 “虚拟现实(VR)眼镜和治疗性触摸(TT)对 IUI 期间疼痛、焦虑和患者满意度影响” 的研究。结果显示,VRG 可减轻疼痛,TT 提升满意度。该研究为 IUI 临床护理提供新策略。
研究结论和讨论部分指出,本研究表明对于年龄 < 40 岁的 DOR 患者,IUI+OS 联合 IVF 治疗相比单纯 IVF,有更高的临床妊娠成功率,持续妊娠和活产率也呈现出更高的趋势,且早期流产率更低。然而,研究也存在局限性,如观察性研究设计可能存在指示性混杂偏倚,尽管 IV ...
After six years of trying to get pregnant and going through both IVF and surgery, Lindsay Albanese was left with one embryo — ...
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) are both forms of assisted reproductive technology (ART). These medical procedures aim to achieve pregnancy. Your healthcare team ...
Using donor egg or sperm are also options for single people pursing pregnancy and same-sex couples. Donor egg and sperm can be used as part of the IUI or IVF process. A fertility clinic can help ...
Seventeen patients hoped to achieve a natural pregnancy; 36 planned to undergo ... care when applied before intrauterine insemination (IUI) and IVF. We suspect that the therapy specifically ...