The artist also did President Obama, and he looks wonderful, but the one on me is truly the worst,’ Mr. Trump writes.
The discovery of a human facial fragment aged over one million years represents the oldest known face in western Europe and confirms the region was inhabited by two species of human during the ...
The president’s tantrum over a painted portrait that hangs in the Colorado State Capitol building reveals a human truth: Most people don’t like pictures of themselves. [Photo: Jesse Paul ...
The research team at the Atapuerca archaeological sites in Burgos, Spain, has just broken its own record by discovering, for the third time, the oldest human in Western Europe. The team did so for ...
Archaeologists have discovered fossilized facial bones of an ancient human race which lived roughly 1.4 million years ago, according to a study published in Nature. The remains were first ...
When a fragment of a skull emerged from a cave in northern Spain, archaeologist Rosa Huguet was almost certain it came from a human ancestor. What she didn’t know at the time of the excavation ...