It is a genetic condition caused when an unusual cell division result in an extra full or even partial copy of chromosome 21.
Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by an extra chromosome 21, affecting brain and body development. It leads to ...
Scientists discover that women's second X chromosome awakens later in life, expressing genes that protect the brain from ...
Researchers have shed new light on how a type of heart valve disease—aortic valve stenosis—progresses differently in males and females. The research paves the way for treatments that can be tailored ...
Human biology is not black and white. Although newborns are typically categorized as male or female at birth based on visible ...
This date serves as a “lower boundary” for when language capacity must have emerged. But since Homo sapiens is at least ...
Humans speak more than 7,000 languages today. As different as they all seem, researchers argue in a new review that they all ...
A test on lab mice may have helped scientists in California debunk a theory that part of the make up of genetics in females ...
Investing in research to develop safer therapeutic strategies tailored to individuals with Down syndrome could provide ...
It is a deep question, from deep in our history: when did human language as we know it emerge? A new survey of genomic ...
They reasoned that since all human languages likely have a common ... Three used data about the inherited Y chromosome, three examined mitochondrial DNA, and nine were whole-genome studies.