Kobo has increased the price of its color and black-and-white e-readers in both the US and Canada.
Most libraries use a platform called Libby ... For Kobo users, follow the steps below. The Kobo Clara eReader can hold ...
Rakuten Kobo is planning to implement some paid services for its e-readers. These services will be subscription-based, giving ...
Sure, the best Kindles are good, but Amazon's ereaders now have very stiff competition from Kobo. Other big players ... you need to figure your own personal use case and your budget, then make ...
This is the only e-reader in Kobo's line of devices that is exclusively sold in a bundle. The cover and stylus are essential for using the Kobo Elipsa to its full potential. The cover rests at an ...
Content options The Kindle Oasis and Kobo Sage can be used with just Wi-Fi, meaning you don't need to have a computer to load new books onto your e-reader. On both, you can actually purchase books ...
Read on to find out what we thought about the Kobo Nia ereader. With a compact 6-inch ... and you can operate it with just one hand, using your thumb to tap through the pages on the right of ...