.@HS_Homes estimates decarbonisation will cost £62m over 30 years. “We’re expecting a lot of that investment to be in the latter half of that period,” says Steven Brookfield, director of housing and ...
The homes are likely to be a mix of new build and improvement of the current housing stock A strategy to provide hundreds of improved homes for the most vulnerable people in Cornwall by 2050 has ...
Reframing the mainstream narrative, it identifies housing as intrinsically linked to quality of life, and therefore to wider relationships of equality. Taking a novel approach, the research crafts ...
The Statewide and Regional Housing Targets report was required as part of the HOME Act of 2023 and ACT 181 of 2024. DHCD and VAPDA coordinated to produce the housing production targets and VHFA was ...
In a statement, the authorities said it was "with regret" they were "unable to reach agreement on the approach to planning for future housing needs". "The Oxfordshire Plan 2050 work programme will ...