From a former nun in the English countryside to an elderly man living naked and alone on an island in Japan, there is no one picture of what a hermit looks like. Sister Rachel Denton, a former nun ...
Timothy Cho, a two-time defector from North Korea, has revealed the difficulties citizens go through in the secretive nation ...
Timothy Cho is one of the thousands of North Korea residents to flee the country in recent years — many of whom relocate to ...
led to an outpouring of support for his predicament and eventually prompted the man to reconsider his hermit lifestyle. The chain of events began when Concord, New Hampshire-based reporter Kathy ...
You speak to some soldiers who tell you the truth about the man pretending to be the Hermit. Now, you need to decide how to approach the situation. While he may be a bad person, you may need to ...
A few days ago, articles (including ours) about the Hermit spyware appeared to pique reader interest. Described in detail by Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG), the Hermit spyware (it was dubbed ...