KABUL (Pajhwok): Ariana Rahmani, a woman trained in saffron processing, has established a saffron production and processing ...
HERAT (Pajhwok): The war has ended for the internally displaced people in the Sheidai township in western Herat province, but drought and unemployment continue to keep them away from their homes.
The streets of Herat, Afghanistan, are paved not with gold but with scrolling code in the spirited ... Since the attacks of 9/11, there have been a handful of compelling and moving films about girls ...
In various corners of the country—in Khost and Kandahar, in Herat and Kabul—I've met young women like Shkola. They're writing not the old landays but poems and novels, and they're making ...
With the Taliban making it mandatory for women to have a male guardian if they wish to travel further than 72km, many now work from home. Herat-based calligraphic artist Razia Karimi, 32 ...
The maternity clinics are located in Afghan provinces where the need is greatest, including Nangarhar, Balkh, Herat, Ghazni, Paktika, Kandahar, and Nimroz. Each centre is equipped with two specialist ...