The great barracuda, also known as ‘opelu mama or kaku, played a significant role in Hawaiian fishing traditions. Fishermen would work together with the kaku to find and net schools of ‘opelu.
Heartbreaking footage has surfaced showing a humpback whale calf struggling to free itself from a netting that seems ...
A newly constructed hālau waʻa was completed on Maui, which recognizes the families and the traditional cultural practices of ...
A newly constructed hālau waʻa, a traditional Hawaiian canoe house and learning space, was blessed on March 21 in Mākena.
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - National Puppy Day is a time to celebrate puppies and promote adoption. Brandy Shimabukuro of the ...
The Teens4Animals Council offers high school students the opportunity to develop, promote and lead animal welfare initiatives ...
From killer fish sandwiches to kimchi and cracking Vietnamese pho, there’s something to satisfy the palates of all travellers ...
Body art is a popular sign of Hawaiian identity ... As a teenager, he worked as a diver, unsnagging the nets of Filipino fishing sampans from coral reefs. Then he discovered surfing.