The structure of the PP7 bacteriophage coat ... as MS2 and PP7 also regulate expression of another viral protein by binding an RNA hairpin that contains the translation initiation site.
The long β-hairpin, absent in the mammalian ... of more glycine residues to achieve a tighter structure than could be afforded in a more typical protein because of native state destabilization.
This revealed that hairpin-like sections of the chaperone ... in the core of the target protein. The structure of the ...
My newest project aims to measure the unfolding and potential refolding of β-barrel outer membrane proteins of gram negative bacteria, elucidating if these proteins can fold hairpin by hairpin into ...
A sticky hairpin Tau is an essential structural protein in the brain, giving cells form and stability and allowing the transport of necessary nutrients. However, when it mutates and misfolds, it ...