“When it becomes stressed from drought, johnsongrass can produce prussic acid — also known as hydrocyanic acid — or can accumulate nitrate, both of which are very toxic to livestock,” Jennings said.
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That’s the danger, because those young leaves are higher in prussic acid.” Prussic acid, known as hydrocyanic acid or cyanide, can form in plants in the Sorghum genus in different concentrations, ...
Effects of medical treatments. Coloured lithographs, ca. 1850. This is how I looked after a jolly good dose of Prussic acid, taken medicinally, of course, only the chemist's boy put a leetle drop too ...
Tokyo (Jiji Press)–Chisako Kakehi, a 78-year-old death-row inmate known as a “black widow” who was convicted in serial murders using hydrocyanic acid in western Japan, died at the Osaka ...