这篇研究发现,潜伏感染小鼠的鼻相关淋巴组织(NALT)中存在人类 α 疱疹病毒 1(HSV-1)DNA,地塞米松(DEX)能诱导其复制。研究还确定了携带病毒 DNA 的细胞类型,为 HSV-1 相关疾病研究提供新视角,值得关注。
All organisms—from fungi to mammals—have the capacity to evolve and adapt to their environments. But viruses are master shapeshifters with an ability to mutate greater than any other organism.
・Clinical-stage pharma stock Theralase Technologies (TSXV:TLT) announced a significant breakthrough in the treatment of Herpes Simplex Viruses (HSV) ・Independent research conducted at the ...