很多人一听到HPV感染,第一反应就是生活不检点。然而真相可能并非如此。长沙市第三医院(湖南大学附属长沙医院)医学检验科、皮肤科和妇科专家一起,为您厘清HPV感染的常见误区,并给予实用的防治建议。 HPV是什么? HPV全称human papilloma ...
Data shows it can prevent six types of cancer. But anti-vaccine activists, including U.S. Health Secretary Robert F. Kennedy ...
总体而言,尽管现有预防性 HPV 疫苗在宫颈癌防控中发挥了一定作用,但仍面临诸多挑战。新型疫苗的研发,尤其是基于 L2 蛋白的疫苗,以及对给药途径和剂型的创新,为宫颈癌的预防带来了新的希望。未来,通过持续的研究和创新,有望开发出更有效、更易获取的 HPV 疫苗,为全球女性的健康保驾护航。
许多人都知道,人乳头瘤病毒(Human papilloma virus,HPV)被认为是引致宫颈癌的主要原因,女性可通过注射HPV疫苗来预防感染,然而,为何也鼓励男性接种此疫苗?本报请DTAP诊所的全科医生马素敏解析原因。
From penile cancer to oropharyngeal cancer, know the health risks of HPV for men’s health. The expert emphasised on the need ...
No woman has ever benefited from knowing less about her body. Alarmingly, being under-informed can have serious consequences ...
The advent of effective antiretroviral therapy (ART) has increased the lifespan of many people living with HIV. As a result, ...
The HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine helps prevent cervical cancer by protecting against high-risk strains of the virus ...
Many people, particularly women, are probably aware that the vaccine is recommended for women and girls under the age of 26.
A CDC report shows a dramatic drop in precancerous HPV lesions in young women. Here’s why the HPV vaccine is beneficial.
A recent CDC report further demonstrates the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine against cervical cancer. HPV is a sexually ...