As spring bird migration brings thousands of birds to Washington state, it also increases the risk of avian influenza (bird ...
Recent viral mutations have shown avian influenza’s adaptability to mammalian hosts, prompting infectious disease, animal ...
Very few humans have gone up against bird flu. But we've all dealt with seasonal flu for years. Some of our immune systems ...
This strain causes severe bronchitis with excessive coughing, requiring nebulizers, inhalers, or oral steroids for relief, similar to post-COVID symptoms during the pandemic.
Recommendations on the strain composition of influenza virus vaccines for the 2025-2026 US season have been issued by FDA.
Kids have been hit especially hard: as of February 22, 98 children—most of them unvaccinated—have died from flu in the U.S.
Despite variations by age group and influenza virus type, the 2023-2024 influenza vaccine was protective against outpatient illness in pediatric and adult patients.
The CDC has issued interim effectiveness estimates for the 2024-2025 seasonal influenza and 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccines.
The agency formulated its advice to manufacturers after coordinating with the CDC and Defense Department. An advisory meeting ...
Older adults with early influenza exposure may have antibodies that help fight bird flu, unlike younger individuals who may ...
Immunity Against Seasonal H1N1 Flu Reduces Bird Flu Severity in ... when and for how long mallard ducks -- natural carriers of avian influenza -- stop and rest as they migrate can help predict ...
In this Bulletin, the Directorate of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health shows zero notification of dengue cases, ...