I had to remain at depth with the sharks. Shreds of grouper flesh fall from the jaws of two sharks as they rip a fish apart. After hunting together to roust the grouper from its hiding place in ...
The goliath grouper is a giant fish that can be found in Florida waters. In the '70s and '80s, it was severely overfished, which led to regulations making it illegal to harvest. Following is a ...
We ended up catching many species of fish including: Snappers, Groupers, Porgy, Grunt, Parrot Fish, Trigger Fish and many more! This fishing trip was out of beautiful Biscayne Bay Florida.
After captain John Gunter caught a tagged gag grouper in Tampa Bay, he called in to report the catch to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute. The call was received by a southern ...
The project aims to optimize RAS for commercially valuable species, making it possible to farm tropical fish like the Queensland giant grouper far from their native habitat. The research team ...