I use the fully synthetic engine oil specially made for the R15. The service centers have it. It's more expensive than Yamalube but offers significantly better performance.
Conventional engine oil is made from a base oil ... Now, take this newfound knowledge and go forth for your first oil change! Good luck.
Probably the most important thing you can give your elderly car, aside from regular maintenance, is high-mileage engine oil. What exactly is high-mileage oil and when should you use it?
Over the past 40-plus years, I have changed the oil in more engines than I can begin to count. If you're about to change the ...
Motorcycle chain endures heavy abuse and undergoes a lot of wear and tear. It is recommended that the chain is regularly cleaned and oiled for safe and sound running of the motorcycle ...
While that's all well and good, HEMIs feature a multi-port ... It keeps the intake valves clean by trapping oil particles ...