Trains leaving Gondia arrives at Gomti Nagar on next day. What is the duration of Gondia to Gomti Nagar train journey? The duration of train journey from Gondia to Gomti Nagar is 23 hours 45 minutes.
The Chhapra Kacheri Gomti Nagar Express departs Dighwa Dubauli on Daily at 20:28 and arrives at Gomti Nagar at 06:35 Daily. View train list → Trains leaving Dighwa Dubauli arrives at Gomti Nagar on ...
The Lucknow Municipal Corporation (LMC) has launched daily house tax payment camps in Sector-4, Gomti Nagar Extension, from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm until March 31. Residents can pay their pending ...