Goten was meant to be the next protagonist of Dragon Ball, succeeding Goku with his natural talent and pure heart. Both Goku and Goten's names reflect themes of enlightenment and sky, symbolizing ...
Whereas Gotenks took on more of Goten's look, Trunkten takes on Trunks' iconic look, complete with purple hair and a green gi. It is just like how Vegito is more Vegeta than he is Goku.
The recent chapter takes a break from opponents like Black Frieza to instead focus on a more light-hearted story involving Goten and Trunks ... that made the sons of Goku and Vegeta decide ...
The preview hinted at how Trunks and Goten became inspired to become Saiyaman X-1 and Saiyaman X-2. The manga's previous chapter saw Goku fight Gohan Beast in his Ultra Instinct form to test his ...