A path was also being cleared to take earthmoving machines into the tunnel. "As of now we are dewatering and going forward. But for the last 40 or 50 meters (yards) we are not able to go," B ...
A path was also being cleared to take earthmoving machines into the tunnel. "As of now we are dewatering and going forward. But for the last 40 or 50 meters (yards) we are not able to go," B ...
Opinions and thoughts are the author’s own and not those of AFROTECH™. The tech industry has faced a wave of shutdowns and ...
Bennedict Mathurin and Myles Turner stepped up on both ends to help the Pacers rally from 11 points down to beat the Nets on Thursday night.
It took them five years to chisel and carve a 1,200-metre-long tunnel into the treacherous cliffside. Not one piece of electric equipment or large machinery was used in the tunnel's construction.
The full westbound closure was set to go into place shortly after 3:15 ... icy road conditions and empty westbound lanes heading into the tunnel. Officials from the Clear Creek County Sheriff's ...
On the shores of the Baltic Sea, in the south of Denmark, a vast engineering marvel is taking shape — piece by giant concrete piece — that, when finished, will drastically redraw the road and ...