Optical illusions are fascinating visual phenomena that trick the brain into perceiving something different from reality.
据外媒报道,去年,瑞典与萨博公司签订合同,为其海军采购Sea Giraffe(“海上长颈鹿”)1X雷达系统。根据公开数据,Sea Giraffe 1X雷达的探测范围为75千米,低于该公司先前研制的Sea Giraffe 4A雷达200多千米的探测范围,也因此被一些军迷称作“短脖子的海上长颈鹿”。
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, built on 146 acres at an elevation of nearly 7,000 feet, isn’t just beloved by locals. It's now been ...
On Friday morning the Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance welcomed an exciting new edition, a newborn giraffe calf. This is the first giraffe calf born to the alliance since 2017. Four-year-old ...
A giraffe at the Reid Park Zoo in Tucson, Arizona, decided to familiarize herself with the neighborhood. On Wednesday, March 5, Msituni, a three-year-old female reticulated giraffe, escaped from ...