Giant panda cub twins Leni and Lotti ventured out for the first time at Berlin Zoo on Thursday. This is a photo gallery ...
Excited visitors have lined up at Hong Kong’s Ocean Park to witness giant panda Ying Ying reunite with her playful and ...
A theme park in South Korea is celebrating an adorable first. On July 7, a giant panda named Ai Bao gave birth to twin girls through natural breeding at the Everland theme park near Seoul ...
An curved arrow pointing right. A baby panda was just born at a wildlife park in Belgium. There are only about 1,800 pandas left in the wild and this birth is the sixth panda birth in Europe.
One of the giant pandas at the Smithsonian's National Zoo could give birth to a baby cub any day now Maria ... Good news for panda fans everywhere! Just days after the Smithsonian's National ...
The loan agreement for the two giant pandas, Fu Wa and Feng Yi, at Zoo Negara, has been extended between China and Malaysia, ...
One of the known enemies of the giant panda is the snow leopard, which may seize a baby panda that has wondered away from it's mother or a pack of wild dogs may also capture a wondering cub.
HONG KONG - The first locally-born giant panda cubs at Ocean Park Hong Kong are set to meet the public on Sunday, and residents are encouraged to propose names for the cuddly twins. The pair of ...
The giant panda is a firm favourite when we are talking about cute animals, but there is much more to these bears than meets their black-patched eyes. There is much more to these bears than meets ...
The first giant panda born and bred in Korea ... If it is successful and a baby red panda is born in Everland, it will be the first of its species ever born in Korea — and perhaps another ...
And while their large molar teeth and strong jaw muscles are designed for crushing bamboo, they can deliver a very nasty bite. In addition, giant panda are excellent climbers, with cubs able to ...