The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), signed into law by US President George W. Bush on 21 May 2008, was the product of more than a decade of efforts to pass it on Capitol Hill.
Five months after announcing it would ban the use of adverse genetic test results in life insurance underwriting, the ...
Even after many geneticists had accepted Mendel’s laws, confusion lingered regarding the maintenance of genetic variation in natural populations. Some opponents of the Mendelian view contended ...
Nestle USA Inc. removed a state lawsuit alleging it collected the family medical information of employees in violation of the ...
Gaps in the United States’ genetic-nondiscrimination law mean that life, long-term-care, and disability insurers can obligate ...
The new science marches forward. The law can’t keep up. Wildlife conservationist turned legal scholar Alex Erwin constructs the legal framework to begin to establish guidance and parameters around ...
However, they bring new ethical concerns over privacy along with practical concerns over the use and interpretation of genetic information. A conference held at Drexel University’s Thomas R. Kline ...
The law makes it illegal for researchers to alter ... In Rossant’s lab, research is focused on the genetic control of normal and abnormal development in the early mouse embryos — which is ...
But this is not normal data collection. This is data collection of peoples’ genomes. Genetic information is immutable information, and as such, it must be safeguarded. However, current laws largely do ...
Conservative supporters of government deregulation want to do away with state-imposed licensing requirements, a move genetic counselors say will harm patients.
As a general principle, Jewish law believes that couples should engage ... To avoid such scenarios, we encourage couples to undergo genetic testing before marriage or having children.
A long-awaited intellectual property treaty relating to 'Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge' was adopted on 24 May 2024at a diplomatic conference by WIPO ...