Biliary colic can occur when a gallstone blocks the duct of the gallbladder, and it typically results in pain after eating. Inflammatory polyps are not associated with gallbladder cancer.
was found to have both a gallbladder stone and a gallbladder polyp. At the initial examinations in 1996, gallbladder findings suggestive of malignancy were not identified in any subject.
Abnormal tissue growths on the gallbladder are called gallbladder polyps. The vast majority of gallbladder polyps are benign (noncancerous). Only around 5% of them are malignant (cancerous ...
Background and Aim: The management of gallbladder polyps (GBP) is directly linked to the early diagnosis of gallbladder cancer (GBC). This study aimed to evaluate the malignant risk of GBP.
Dr Vincent Lam , doctor in gastrointestinal surgery, says gallbladder polyps are not too common but if present could turn into a very malignant form of cancer.