Spectroscopy is a key tool for identifying chemical compounds and analyzing molecular structures. Learn how to read and ...
This absorption is specific to the bond type and its environment, providing a unique molecular fingerprint. Unlike traditional spectroscopy, FTIR captures all wavelengths simultaneously, significantly ...
The MultiGas™ 2030 is an FTIR Spectroscopy gas analyzer capable of percent level detection as well as ppb sensitivity for multiple gas species in a variety of applications.
So far, the main success obtained by combining a FTIR microscope with a synchrotron source is hard-tissue analysis 6, which has provided results that are not possible with standard sources.
The FTIR analysis featured here was conducted using the Thermo Scientific ™ Nicolet ™ Summit ™ X FTIR Spectrometer. The handheld XRF analysis was performed with the Thermo Scientific ...
Through the analysis of temporal variations in molecular fingerprints, FTIR can monitor the dynamics of disease, assess the effectiveness of treatment, and pinpoint possible side effects.
The Nicolet Summit X FTIR Spectrometer is constructed with the exclusive LightDrive Optical Engine ... the OMNIC Paradigm Software’s user-friendly interface simplifies life in the research facility.