In recent years, about 65% of math majors pursued the BA track. The BA Mathematics major requires completion of at least 33 credits, depending upon the student's preparation in Calculus prior to ...
The IB is making these changes to its math offerings to better prepare students for the evolving and increasingly rigorous demands of higher education and the professional world. Both college and ...
Successful completion of an AP math class is invaluable to many college-bound students, but choosing among the options can be difficult. Here is what you should know about each. In May 2022 ...
For UNG Students: If you have earned a grade other than a W in a college math course, you are not qualified to take an eligibility exam. For questions regarding your qualifications to take this exam ...
A San Diego area community college that moved early to eliminate remedial math courses is drawing lots of attention across the state for success in teaching math. Not only are students at Cuyamaca ...
NSHE requires students to complete ENG 102 and at least three credits of an approved college math course. These two courses may require additional prerequisites, and majors may specify which college ...
High academic achievement as well as demonstrated interest in and aptitude for science and math is strongly considered in the freshman review process. Read more in the Info For Future Students section ...
Students who would have taken remedial math prior to 2018 are now able to get additional support to take college-level math classes such as algebra and calculus or quantitative reasoning courses that ...