By contrast governors in French North Africa and French West Africa declared their loyalty to Marshall Petain's puppet regime in France (the Vichy Government) which cooperated with the German ...
By contrast governors in French North Africa and French West Africa declared their loyalty to Marshall Petain's puppet regime in France (the Vichy Government) which cooperated with the German ...
As it is, we have been able to take almost all of French North Africa at a negligible cost. Admiral Darlan is a member of that class euphemistically termed "opportunists." It is true that during ...
Africa is a key focus of French development policy: it receives one third of French bilateral official development assistance (ODA) (€2.9 billion in 2020), an increase of 40% compared to 2019.France ...
Having set an original pattern of military overseas policy in French North Africa, the U.S. had explanations to make and judgments to justify to its British ally. A solution to the North African ...
Between 2011 and 2018, the French Muskoka Fund helped reduce infant and child mortality by 32% in the region, while maternal mortality dropped by 17%. France is actively committed to fighting the ...