“I would have predicted exactly the opposite result—that hosts in fragmented populations would be protected from this fungus,” Richard Ostfeld of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, ...
Lebanon has endured over five years of severe challenges, including unprecedented economic turmoil, persistent political paralysis, and exacerbated social tensions in an already deeply fragmented ...
Fringe parties surge in German national election Especially popular in East and among youth Boosted by social media savvy Fragmented ... of migrants polarises society. This in turn is complicating ...
As a result, society has become increasingly fragmented and unequal. For all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google News channel. He made the remarks at a programme titled "State of ...
chair of the board of directors for the American Society for AI, cautioned that while a lot of opportunity exists with AI, statehouses approaching policy individually can create a fragmented ...