If you’re trying to grow corn silage on drought-prone soils or where irrigation is an issue, forage sorghum types are worth consideration, says Robert Lemon, an agronomist with AgriThority. Forage ...
Dr Akhil Verma Sorghum is the ‘King of Millets’ and a dual-purpose crop mainly grown for its grain and fodder, it is also known by various vernacular names such as great millet, jowar, charri etc.
S&W Seed Co, an agricultural company specializing in crop production, disclosed its financial outlook and product timelines ...
Plants have thick stems and are very leafy. Sorghum-sudangrass has moderate regrowth potential. However, you shouldn’t graze or cut for forage until the plants are at least 18 inches tall to reduce ...
A new USDA-supported project will test and release several new sorghum cultivars that promise high-yielding, nutritious forage for beef and dairy cattle operations in the north-central states. The ...
Sorghum, Sudan grass, sorghum X Sudan, and millet. Probably the most common of these three is sorghum. We will be focusing on forage sorghum, but there are lots of acres of grain sorghum [milo] that ...
Warm-season grasses include forage sorghum, sudangrass and sorghum-sudan. These warm-season grasses are more tolerant of drought and hot weather than cool-season small grains (oats, wheat, barley, ...
A co-author of the New Phytologist paper is Scott Sattler, adjunct professor of agronomy and horticulture and research leader with the USDA Agricultural Research Service Wheat, Sorghum and Forage ...
“Nitrates can accumulate to toxic levels in some plant species, especially during drought stress,” Jennings said. Plants known for accumulating nitrate include johnsongrass, sorghums (forage sorghum, ...
University of Maryland specialists offer tips for establishing strong forage stands, both for annuals and perennials.