When it comes to high-quality viewing, the culinary world has all of the ingredients for maximum entertainment. The pressure, the skill, the high stakes — it all makes for great television.
The movie "played with the language of film as it tried to do it all: to be a comedy and a drama, to show death, sex and food all together – sometimes in the same scene," said Richard Vine at ...
It led me to make my 2013 animal rights film, The Ghosts in Our Machine, which focused on the invisibility of billions of animals that are exploited for food, fashion, entertainment and biomedical ...
It lays bare how taxpayer subsidies designed to feed hungry Americans during the Great Depression have enabled the food industry to flood the market with a rising tide of cheap, addictive ...
Cooking takes as long as it takes. An obvious concept but one easily forgotten during today's era of 30-second jump-cut videos on TikTok and Instagram. A long-braised stew can be aped in a ...
The film’s main protagonist is Dr. Nof Atamna-Ismaeel, a microbiologist-turned-chef who organizes a food festival in Haifa, which she sees as a poignant symbol of Arab-Jewish coexistence.
Portland audiences will have another opportunity to see “Food Foray,” a locally made documentary series that explores stories of immigrants in East Multnomah County, using food as a way to ...