3月20日,“镜像:卢齐欧·封塔纳与米开朗基罗·皮斯特莱托”在上海荣宅举行。这是两位意大利艺术家首次隔空对话。这与两人初次“相识”时隔70余年,而展出地点的上海荣宅始建于1918年——在历史的重叠中,策展人以“镜像”为主题,通过20世纪40年代以来的 ...
在米兰时装周上,Dsquared2三十周年大秀吸引了无数目光,引发了网友们的热议。其中一张母子合照更是让人瞩目,41岁的模特伊莎贝莉·芳塔娜(Isabeli ...
With steady hands and sharp focus, cadets in the Marine Corps JROTC marksmanship program at Fontana High School have learned ...
NASCAR says it doesn't want to abandon Southern California, but it isn't fully committing to building a short track on the ...
Arianna Fontana capped off her season in promising form at the ISU World Short Track Championships. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY After making it to the Games five times and winning a record 11 Olympic ...
Arianna Fontana capped off her season in promising form at the ISU World Short Track Championships. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY "It doesn't necessarily have to always work, work, work. It's good to ...
Redfern as it might in a natural-wine bar in Rome. That garlic bread is the perfect vehicle for scooping just-set ricotta ...
Fontana Limited promises to redefine the beauty retail landscape in Jamaica with the launch of Orá, a luxury beauty concept ...
PHARMACEUTICAL retailer Fontana Limited is expecting to push up revenues with the roll-out of its new luxury beauty and ...
The arrested are presumed innocent until proven guilty. This is a list of arrests from by the Fontana Police Department.