We remember the floppy disk as the storage medium most of us used two decades or more ago, limited in capacity and susceptible to data loss. It found its way into a few unexpected uses such as ...
Using a Greaseweazle—a versatile open-source tool for floppy disk diagnostics—he tests the drive’s components and explores whether the fault lies with the read/write head or electronic systems.
(1) An earlier category of high-capacity floppy-like disk drives. In the early 1990s, the failed Floptical disk was the first. Later, the Zip drive fell into the super floppy category. See Zip ...
A method for converting a single-sided 5.25" floppy disk into a double-sided disk. By punching a second notch in the jacket, the disk could be flipped over and inserted upside down. This was a ...
Invented by Alan Shugart at IBM in 1967, the original floppy disk design measured 8 inches (200mm) in diameter, stored 80KB of data and became available for purchase in 1971 as a part of IBM's ...
Why spend money upgrading technology that's "basically fine"? Although floppy disk music "peaked" in the 2010s, it's "still going strong" in the 2020s, said The Verge. In the 2020 category ...
From the 1970s, programs were beginning to be loaded from floppy disk. They were also used as a portable means of storage and for backups. A solid-state drive (SSD) uses technology similar to that ...