Fish counters which monitor fish stocks on "England's best salmon river" have broken once again, having been damaged last ...
Starting in 2013, the collaborators began using a fish weir made from locally harvested cedar logs to help them capture and tag around 500 sockeye salmon each year in the Koeye watershed.
The Dawson River Pond, part of the Dawson River and located between the Neville Hewitt Weir and the Baralaba Woorabinda Rd ...
By Tim Obrey, Moosehead Lake region fisheries resource supervisor It’s exciting when we get a chance to really move the ...
The Minns Labor Government is trialling Fishheart; a state-of-the-art temporary fish passage technology in the Lower Darling-Baaka River near ...
After a weir was constructed in Worcester in the 19th century to help with trade, it became almost impossible for fish to swim upstream. Mark Miles, visitor service manager for the Canal and ...
The Diglis Fish Pass in Worcester plays a crucial role in keeping the River Severn's eco-system healthy, and has also become a popular tourist attraction through the spring and summer. After a weir ...