Chrome 的一些小烦恼 多年来,Chrome 一直是我的首选浏览器。Chrome 是事实上的浏览器标准。而且 Chrome 的扩展插件丰富,可玩性很高。 由于 Chrome 和 Google ...
在最近两周内,LayerX Labs观察到,攻击者对代码进行了调整,优化了针对MacOS和Safari浏览器的布局和技术逻辑。通过简单的文本和代码修改,攻击者能够以极低的成本切换目标用户群体。由于Mac用户缺乏针对性的防护措施,这一群体逐渐成为新的攻击重点。
Hackers are targeting Mac users with a nefarious new phishing scam that employs clever tricks to steal your data. Here’s how ...
Updates for Firefox close a sandbox vulnerability under Windows. It is similar to the one attacked in Google Chrome.
After Windows defenses improved, the attackers switched to targeting Mac and Safari users with these very effective scams.
Those using a Mac are now susceptible to a phishing attack that's been plaguing Windows users for a long time.