Here are 13 of the most badass women in film who have inspired us with their strength and resilience.
Widespread and abundant in much of North America, the introduced European starling is arguably and ... Male: with good look, note blue-based bill. Female: with good look, note pink-based bill ...
The research, gathered from 1,000 female entrepreneurs to mark International Women’s Day on 8 March, found four in five (80%) ...
Flocks of starlings form ever-changing, mesmerising aerial displays in autumn and winter. The European or common starling, Sturnus vulgaris, is a familiar sight in our cities and towns. You might have ...
Numerous iconic female characters from film have had a lasting ... Jodie Foster's character Clarice Starling from 1991's "The ...
WITH the cost-of-living crisis and rising price of childcare, it is getting more difficult for women to start up their own companies. And the number of female business owners has dropped from 19 ...
Women who start their own businesses report a significant boost in confidence, resilience, and self-belief despite many feeling the stress of ‘entrepreneurial load', according to new research from ...