盖世汽车讯 12月30日,初创公司Voyant Photonics宣布推出全球首款有效且高性价比的芯片上LiDAR“CARBON”FMCW LiDAR传感器,具有固态光束控制功能。
A lot of hackers take the “learn by doing” approach: take something apart, figure out how it works, and re-purpose all of the parts. [Henrik], however, has taken the opposite approach.
Aeva's FMCW technology offers no significant benefits over ToF, which is favored for cost and mass production in ADAS ...
Fancy long-range FMCW Lidar gets tiny and cheap, a water-zapping lens cleaner, multitasking sensors, and drunk-driver detection by sensing micromovements. Our increasingly autonomous future is ...